501 - Save Document

Syslog 4.0 - Extensibility - Functions Syslog - Kalipso - Inventory - 501 - Save Document

501 - (Inventory) Save Document


Input Parameters

  • inCabKey – Unique key of the document; (assisted inventory)

  • inInternalStamp - Internal key of the document (blind inventory);

Output Parameters

  • outCanSave – Return code:

    • 1 – Save the document

    • 0 – Cancel


Input Parameters

  • inCabKey – Unique key of the document; (assisted inventory)

  • inInternalStamp - Internal key of the document (blind inventory);

  • inWarehouse – Warehouse

  • inZone – Zone

  • inLocation - Location

Output Parameters

  • outCanSave – Return code:

    • 1 - Save the document

    • 0 - Cancel out


Input Parameters

  • inCabKey – Unique key of the document; (assisted inventory);

  • inInternalStamp - Internal key of the document (blind inventory);

  • inFilterCabDoc - Unique key of the document;

  • inErroIntegracao - Return code:

    • 0 - no Error

    • 1 - Error saving

  • inStampDocGerado - Generated document;

Last updated