101 - Save Document

Syslog 4.0 - Extensibility - Functions Syslog - Kalipso - Picking - 101 - Save Document

101 - (Picking) Save Document


Input Parameters

  • inFilterCabDoc – Unique key of the document;

  • inBarcode

Output Parameters

  • outContinue - 1 – Save the document / 0 – Cancel

  • outRef

  • outBarcodeQuantity


Input Parameters

  • inFilterCabDoc – Unique key of the document;

  • inFilterCabDoc

  • inBarcode

  • inLinesSQL


  • inSelectedClient

  • inBoStampDocToWork

  • inSelectedCabDoc

  • inOriginDocType

  • inCabUserFieldsList

  • inLinUserFieldsList

  • inDocName

  • inDestinationDocSelected

  • inEntityName

  • inCloseLine

  • inWarehouse

  • inAutoMode

Output Parameters

  • outCanSave – Return code: 1 – Save the document / 0 – Cancel

  • outContinue - Return code: 1 – Save the document / 0 – Cancel


Input Parameters

  • inFilterCabDoc – Unique key of the document

Last updated