Edit and Add New
DCAPP - App Editor - Edit and Add New
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DCAPP - App Editor - Edit and Add New
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A similar screen from the one below is shown when an app is selected or a new one is created.
The screen is divided into four tabs.
In the screen it is possible to define the following options:
App Icon - Click on the icon. A list of icons will appear. Select the one you wish to use.
Name - Give a name to your app. This is a mandatory field and it must be unique. Two apps cannot have the same name.
Description (optional) - Area to put a brief description of the application. Its filling is optional.
App Status - Define if your app is available to the user. If not active, it will not appear in the main screen.
It is possible to define up to 10 fields per app. It is possible to define it as Text, Numeric, Decimal, Date, Time or Yes/No.
In the line of each field there are icons that represent what type of field it is. The information it provides refers to its visibility (whether it is active or not), whether it uses a keyboard, whether it is a key, whether it is a field that collects data cumulatively. If you have any of these fields, the icon appears in blue.
Click on the button "Order Fields" if you want to define the order which the fields appear in the app.
By clicking on the line for each field, you can access the configuration area for that field. Thus, a new screen appears with the following information:
Field Name - This is the name appearing when collecting data.
Field Type - Six different types are available:
In front of the field type you can define the limits minimum and maximum of the field.
Hint Text - Text suggestion that appears by default.
Default Value - Value that appears by default.
(check boxes referring to field properties)
Mandatory - The field must be filled.
Is active - If the field is active or not
Is Key - You can define if the field is key. Before a new record is saved if another exists with the same key (a key can be on more than 1 column) a duplicate error message appears and the record is not created.
Keyboard - If is needed to open the keyboard
Loop - Define if this field is the start of a cycle, for example having the fields "Location, Reference, Quantity", if the "Reference" is a Loop field, then after a record is filled, the new record will assume the same "Location" and position automatically in the "Reference".
Accumulate - When this option is active the field starts to accumulate values when another record with the remaining of the fields (not accumulating fields) have the same value. Only valid on numeric fields.
Entry Type - Select how to read information for the particular field.
Barcode + Manual
Read Only
Auto Validation
Lookup Type -
GS1 AI (EAN 128) - In all type of fields, it is possible to read information from a GS1 barcode (EAN128). To do this, you can define for each field which AI is assigned to. When a GS1 barcode is read, AIs are extracted automatically and assigned to the fields with matching AIs. This option allows you to choose the AI code you want to assign to this field.
You can access the list of available AI codes that can be used in this field. Look here.
When choosing a lookup table, three more options appear below:
Table - Select the table that has already been imported.
Field - After indicating the table in question, select the field to which you want to associate it.
Record Not Found Action - If a record is not found, then you can choose what action occurs within these possible ones:
Error message and abort
Error message and continue
If you are using fields type text, decimal or numeric you can also define the following:
Text fields - Maximum field size in chars (value 0 does not control size).
Decimal / Numeric - Value ranges for the field (value 0 for minimum and 0 for maximum does not control).
Don’t forget to click on save (on top) to save your configuration of the fields.
Here you can define which fields you want to export and the order of each field.
To define the order click on the top button "Order Fields" and define the export order of your fields.
All fields created by you will appear. You can also see some other internal fields.
Check the fields you want to export.
[STAMP] - Internal ID of each record.
[APPID] - Name of the app.
[DATESYS] - System date in format YYYYMMDD.
[TIMESYS] - System time in format HHMMSS.
[TERMINAL] - Terminal ID, defined on configuration area.
When you choose to edit an export field, a screen appears asking for the export format. In this option you can use the default option, define a mask or use advanced formatting. In the mask option, depending on the type of field (date, time, etc.), a mask can be defined. For example: mm/dd/yyyy
For each type of fields you can change the mask considering:
Date - Change to dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd, etc.
Time - Change to hh:mm, hhhmm, etc.
Text - Fixed size
Numeric - Fixed size
Decimal - Fixed size, decimal separator and the length of decimal places
In the app parameters you can select in the Field Separator the option "none". This allows you to export in fixed length format.
Here you can see some other export parameters.
Field Separator - Char used to separate each field when exporting data, default is ‘;’.
EOR - End of Record Char(s), default is CR(carriage return)+LF(line feed).
Show field names in first line - If checked, the exported file will have a first line with the fields names.
Create copy in downloads folder when exporting - If checked, a copy of exported file wil be created in Downloads Folder.
Delete data after good export - If checked, after a good export data (on device) will be deleted.
The option "Delete data after good export" is not availbale for Synchronization via email (Email app and SMTP), on those cases you must delete the data manually.
Path to files on server - If this path is empty, the file will be transferred into the folder “TRxxxx\ToPC” inside the path specified in MIS Communicator, where “xxxx” is the terminal ID you have configured in the App Settings. If this path starts with “\”, then the file will be transferred into this folder inside the path specified in MIS Communicator. Else, you use this to specify the complete path of the folder where you want to put the file on the server. In this case don’t forget to enable the option “Allow access to other paths” in the “Product” configuration in MIS Communicator.
File Type - Define file type, you can select one from 3 diferente options:
AISCI (default)
File Name - Define the file name you want to export. You can type the name and extension you want and also you can use some keywords, available keywords are:
[APPID] - Name of the app.
[DATESYS] - System date format is YYYYMMDD.
[TIMESYS] - System time format is HHMMSS.
[TERMINAL] - Terminal ID, defined on configuration area.
When you choose this option, a screen appears where you fill in the data indicated above.
By default the name of the file is:
If you want to generate a file with : INV201909010001.CSV
Where 20210201 is date and 0001 is terminal ID.
Define on file name the following: