MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions Kalipso to MSS - Document - EXT_Document_Finalize
Function to ask MSS to create a new document based on a temporary one applying all the rules related to it.
Note: The temporary document is not deleted after the creation of the new document;
Input parameters:
inDocumentExercise - Exercise of the temporary document;
inDocumentType - Type of the temporary document;
inDocumentSeries - Series of the temporary document;
inDocumentNumber - Number of the temporary document;
inTargetDocumentType - Type of the new document;
inReloadCustomerData - To ask MSS to load all the customer information, the temporary document must have the customer code with a correct customer code;
inReloadPricesAndDiscounts - To ask MSS to reload Price and Discounts of the articles from all the lines;
inSaveAutomatically - To save the document automatically or keep the document opened, the values are: 0 - To keep the document editable / 1 - To save automatically / 2 - To keep the document in the totals screen so the user can choose between Save and Save and Print;
inPrint - To print the document, only applied when inSaveAutomatically = TRUE;
Output parameters:
outResultCode - Return code: 0 - Done / < 0 User canceled selection or error occurred;
outDocumentExercise - Exercise of the new document;
outDocumentType - Type of the new document;
outDocumentSeries - Series of the new document;
outDocumentNumber - Number of the document;
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