511 - Add Article
MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions MSS to Kalipso - Sales - 511 - Add Article
511 - Add Article
Extension action set
Will be executed before MSS opens quantity screen after selecting the article;
Will be executed before MSS opens quantity screen after selecting the article with the possibility to cancel the process;
Will be executed after adding a new line;
Input Parameters
inArticleCode - Code of the selected article;
inDocumentType - Type of the document;
inCustomerCode - Code of the selected customer;
Input Parameters
inArticleCode - Code of the selected article;
inDocumentType - Type of the document;
inCustomerCode - Code of the selected customer;
Output Parameters
outCanSelect - Return code: 1 – Continue the process / 0 – Cancel;
Input Parameters
inArticleCode - Code of the selected article;
inDocumentType - Type of the document;
inCustomerCode - Code of the selected customer;
inDocumentLine - Line number created;
Output Parameters
outReloadDocument - Reload document lines, if equal to 1 MSS will reload all document lines to show any change made to the document.
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