MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions Kalipso to MSS - Visits - EXT_Visits_GetVisitStatus
Function to ask MSS for the status of the visit for a customer.
Input Parameters:
inCustomerCode - Customer code to validate;
inDeliveryPlaceCode - Delivery place code to validate, can be empty;
inMSSModule - Code of the module of MSS. See the list with the module codes below.
Output Parameters:
outResultCode - Return code:
0 - Error;
1 - Only used by MSS when the application starts;
2 - Resume a suspended visit (Returns the date and hour of the suspended visit);
3 - Exists 1 suspended visit but remains suspended (Returns the date and hour of the suspended visit);
4 - Can create check in on customer/delivery place;
5 - Check in already made for current customer/delivery place;
outVisitDate - Date of the visit (VISDTI) when outResultCode = 2 or 3;
outVisitHour - Hour of the visit (VISHRI) when outResultCode = 2 or 3;
MSS Modules
OLR - Consultas
DSB - Dashboard
CTG - Catálogo
DCL - Desbloquear
INQ - Inquéritos
PPT - Prospecção
POS - Mobile POS
EQP - Equipamentos
PAG – Pagamentos por Conta
ART - Artigos
CLI - Clientes
COB - Cobranças
DES - Despesas
DIA - Diário
DOC - Documentos
ENC - Encomendas
ENT - Entregas
FDI - Fim Dia
IDI - Inicio Dia
REC - Recibos
STK - Stock
VIS - Relatórios de Visita
VEN - Vendas
AGD - Agenda
PRP - Prospects
IGC - Imprimir Guia de Transporte
DEP - Depósitos
FRN - Fornecedores
CMP - Compras
SRV - Servicos
RPT - Reports
KAL - Kalipso
Last updated
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