MSS - Google Maps
MSS - Extensibility - MSS - Google Maps
The functions presented in this area are common to versions 5.0 and 5.1 of the MSS.
This action set creates the file Temp_Map_File.html in PFOLDER with HTML to display the map in a Web Control. The base HTML is in the MapTemplate_New.html file that is in the FilesToSend of the Framework project.
The input parameters are:
inMyLocation_Latitude - Latitude of “my location”
inMyLocation_Longitude - Longitude of “my location”
If the coordinates are valid, the map will show a green flag.
inShowPoint – If it shows a point (used in prospecting to show the location search point and in customers to show the customer's location), the possible values are:
1 - Shows point
0 - Do not show
inPoint_Latitude - Point latitude
inPoint_Longitude - Point longitude
inCanChangePointLocation - If the point on the map can be repositioned elsewhere (used on clients to change the client's location), the possible values are:
1 - You can change the location of the point
0 - You cannot change
inZoom - Zoom value to apply on the map
Show multiple points on the map:
inPointsList_Latitude - Latitudes of points separated by SEP_ACL ( ASCII 7 )
inPointsList_Longitude - Longitudes of points separated by SEP_ACL ( ASCII 7 )
inPointsList_Title - Point descriptions separated by SEP_ACL ( ASCII 7 )
inPointsList_Icon - Dots icons separated by SEP_ACL ( ASCII 7 )
inPointsList_GooglePlacesID - PlacesID dos pontos separadas por SEP_ACL ( ASCII 7 )
inPointsShowLabels - If the point labels are shown (text above the point to identify the location), the possible values are:
1 - Show labels
0 - Do not show
This action set returns 2 values:
0 - Error
1 - OK
MapFile - Generated file name
There is no parameter for the Google Maps key, because it is loaded into the action set.
The template has the setCenter function that takes as parameters the latitude and longitude of the location you want to appear centered on the map, zoom applied in this case is fixed and is 16.
Last updated
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