
MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions Kalipso to MSS - Menu - EXT_Menu_OpenModule

Function to open a MSS module, can be specified a parameter with, for example, a document type code, a customer and a delivery location code.

Input parameters:

  • inModuleCode – Code of the MSS module to open, can be one of the following codes:

    CLI - Customers

    ART - TProducts

    ENC - Orders

    VEN - Sales

    REC - Receipts

    CTG - Catalog

    STK - Stocks

    IGC – Transport document

    ENT - Deliveries

    DOC - Documents

    DIA – Diary information

    VIS – Visit reports

    OLR – Online Requests

    POS - Mobile POS

    DSB - Dashboards

    DES - Expenses

    EQP - Equipments

    PRP - Prospects

    AGD - Agenda

    DEP – Bank Deposits

    FRN - Suppliers

    SRV - Services

    PPT – Prospection (only Tablet)

    INQ - Inquiries

    RPT – Reports (only Tablet)

    KAL – Kalipso function

  • inModuleParameter – If not empty must be a document type code, or if inModuleCode=KAL, the function code to be executed;

  • inSaveAndClose – To close the module after save (only used in documents inModuleCode=ENC or VEN or REC);

  • inCustomerCode – Code of the customer to select automatically;

  • inDeliveryPlaceCode – Code of the delivery place to select automatically;

Output parameters:

  • outResultCode – 0 – OK / -3 – Error or user canceled

  • outDocumentExercise – Exercise of the document created

  • outDocumentType – Code of the document created

  • outDocumentSeries – Series of the document created

  • outDocumentNumber – Number of the document created

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