2421 - New / Start intervention
MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions MSS to Kalipso - Services - 2421 - New / Start intervention
2421 - New / Start intervention
Extension action set
Will be executed before MSS starts a new intervention or press + button to create a new one;
Will replace MSS start or create a new intervention code, can be used also to create validations before MSS run the default code on the start of a new intervention using the output parameter outRunMSSCode;
Will be executed after MSS runs the Start intervention code or after close the new intervention screen;
Input Parameters
inServiceExercise – Exercise of the service (SITEXR);
inServiceSeries – Serie of the service (SITSER);
inServiceNumber – Number of the service (SITNDC);
inEquipmentLine – Line number of equipment (SITLEQ);
Input Parameters
inServiceExercise – Exercise of the service (SITEXR);
inServiceSeries – Serie of the service (SITSER);
inServiceNumber – Number of the service (SITNDC);
inEquipmentLine – Line number of equipment (SITLEQ);
Output Parameters
outRunMSSCode – when replacing MSS module must return 0(zero), if working as validations can return 1 so MSS opens the Service, 0 to ignore MSS code or -1 to abort the operation;
outNewInterventionLine – Number of the new intervention when replacing MSS code;
Input Parameters
inServiceExercise – Exercise of the service (SITEXR);
inServiceSeries – Serie of the service (SITSER);
inServiceNumber – Number of the service (SITNDC);
inInterventionLine – Line number of intervention (SITLIN);
inEquipmentLine – Line number of equipment (SITLEQ);
Last updated