3200 - Purchases Module

MSS 5.1 - Extensibility - Functions MSS to Kalipso - Purchases - 3200 - Purchases Module

3200 - Purchases Module


Input Parameters

  • inDocumentType – Document type to select automatically;

  • inSupplierCode – Customer code to select automatically;

  • inDeliveryPlaceCode – Delivery place to select automatically;

  • inRouteCode – Active route code;

  • inSubRouteCode – Active sub-route code;


Input Parameters

  • inDocumentType – Document type to select automatically;

  • inSupplierCode – Customer code to select automatically;

  • inDeliveryPlaceCode – Delivery place to select automatically;

  • inRouteCode – Active route code;

  • inSubRouteCode – Active sub-route code;

Output Parameters

  • outResultCode – Return code: 1 – a document was created / 0 – no document was created;

  • outEXR – Exercise of the document created;

  • outTPD – Document type;

  • outSER – Serie;

  • outNDC – Number;


Input Parameters

  • inDocumentExercise – Exercise of the document;

  • inDocumentType – Type of the document;

  • inDocumentSeries – Series of the document;

  • inDocumentNumber – Number of the document;

  • inSupplierCode – Code of the selected customer;

Last updated