Create Folder

Kalipso - Test and Deploy - Deploy - Create Folder

This feature will generate a folder of your deployed Project along with Kalipso framework. Once the process is finished, just copy to a device the created folder and run KClient.exe.

This option creates a folder only for Windows based OS (Win32, Mobile or CE).

When you click on the option in the Deploy menu, the following window appears:

Tab - General

This tab is the one shown in the image above.

The available options are:‌‌

Target Platforms

  • Desktop - It will create a folder with all the necessaries files to run in a Windows Desktop environment.

  • Windows Mobile - It will create a folder with all the necessaries files to run in a Windows Mobile environment.

  • Windows CE (Arm) - It will create a folder with all the necessaries files to run in a Windows CE environment.

On the right side are two check boxes that allow you to select all platforms or deselect those that have already been chosen.


  • Icon - Zone where you can view the icon associated with the project. You can keep the added or change. Just click on it to open Windows Explorer and choose the new file.

Target Folder

  • Target - Path where the folder will be generated.

The path shown in the image serves as an example of real use.

Tab - Options

The available option in this tab is:

  • Generate Data File - If you check this option your Project, Kalipso Designer will fetch the data of the server, from the tables defined as "ToPDA" in their properties, and send it along with the Project. This option is only available if you have offline Database Tables.

After choosing the options click on "Generate".

It's important to have either "Close Form", "Close Project" or "Return To Form" Action in the project. Otherwise it's very difficult to close the executable.

It's mandatory to chose a target platform in the "General" tab in this window. Otherwise it's not possible to generate an executable.

Last updated