
Kalipso - Using - Environment - File Menu - Settings - Path

In this tab, the path settings are configured, as shown in the image.

  • Synchronization path - The Synchronization path will be used by Kalipso in the Generate Project, Generate Data File and Receive Data.

  • MIS Communicator path - The MIS Communicator path is used by Kalipso to configure MIS Communicator. You should specify the path where MIS Communicator is installed.

  • Projects default path - Here you can define the default path where new projects are created.

  • Libraries default path - Here you can define the default path where the libraries are created.

  • Android SDK path - This is where the Android SDK path is installed. Kalipso Designer uses this path for testing applications on Android Devices. Kalipso installation already includes a streamlined version of the Android SDK and all the files needed to generate APKs. Change this path if you want to use other Android SDK installation.

  • User Styles - Here you can define the default path where the styles are stored.

To learn more about MIS Communicator click here.

Last updated