SMTP Send E-Mail

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Email - SMTP Send E-Mail

Send an e-mail through a SMTP server.

Action available for the following operating systems:



  • Sender Name <string> - Name of the e-mail sender.

  • Sender Address <string> - e-mail addres of the sender.


  • Type <unquoted string> - Type of the destination contact. The possible values are:

    • To

    • CC

    • dynamic

  • Name <string> - Name of destination contact.

  • Address <string> - e-mail address of destination contact.


  • Subject <string> - Subject of the e-mail to send.

  • Body <string> - Body of the e-mail to send.


  • Attachment <string> - Attachment to the e-mail to send.

It is possible to add several e-mail´s in option To, separeted by Charact(13) (CR character). In case of adding more than one e-mail you need to add the same number in both “Name” and “Address” option.

It is possible to add several attachment´s, separeted by Charact(13) (CR character).

If the Body has an <html> tag in the beginning it will be treated as an Html message instead of plain text.

Attachments are identified with "Content-ID" with value emailattach@[INDEX] where [INDEX] is the attachment index, starting with 1.

For example, an e-mail with 2 attachments will have: emailattach@1 and emailattach@2

When composing an HTML e-mail, they can be used for example to embed images in html, using cid for example:

<img src="cid:emailattach@1">

<img src="cid:emailattach@2"> ...

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