In-App Purchase Make Purchase
Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Others - In-App Purchase Make Purchase
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Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Others - In-App Purchase Make Purchase
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Starts the purchase flow for the given product, normally opening a dialog from the system for the payment procedure.
Action available for the following operating systems:
Product SKU - The product identifier for which to start the purchase flow.
Target Fail Reason - In case the purchase fails, the OnError will be triggered, and this will contain a reason code for the fail. It can be:
1 - Item already owned
2 - User Canceled
3 - Item Unavailable
4 - User Cannot make payments
0 - Other
Target Order ID - The Order ID associated with the purchase. For Android only, iOS and Windows do not have an Order ID for the purchases.
Target Purchase ID - The Purchase / Transaction ID associated with the purchase.
Target Purchase Status - The status of the purchase:
0 - Unspecified
1 - Normal
2 - Pending
If the purchase cames back as pending, you can use the In App Purchase Get Purchases action to get new states for the purchase. Normally this happens if the payment is pending confirmation.
After the purchase is finished with success and you have given the user access to the product, you are required to acknowledge the product purchase with a call to In app Purchase Acknowledge Purchase.
You are advised to read Google/Apple/Microsoft Store documentation, specially on fraud prevention and how you can have your servers validate the purchases.