Socket Accept

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Communications - Socket Accept

Accepts a socket connection on a specified port.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Socket <unquoted string> - The identification of the socket that user wants to open. There are several handlers for sockets from 1 to 10. It's also possible defined a socket dynamically by choosing option dynamic for this parameter.

  • Port <numeric> - The port for the defined socket.

  • Mode <unquoted string> - The communication mode for the defined socket. There are several options for this parameter: TCP, UDP or dynamic.

  • Timeout <numeric> - The timeout in milliseconds defined for this serial port. The value 0 is this parameter means that there is no timeout.

  • Target Address <unquoted string> - The control or variable where the result of this action is saved. It can return IPV4 addresses mapped as IPV6 like ::ffff:

This action does not support IPV6 on Windows CE/Mobile.

On Win10, inbound connections from the local host are blocked.

To test you need to run the following command for KClient or adjusted for your compiled App:

checknetisolation loopbackexempt -is -n=SysdevMobile.KClientV50_whdsjj1dnhbm8

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