
Kalipso - Form - Expressions - Functions - Functions Descriptions - Conditional Functions - Lookup

This Function returns a <boolean>, which is the result of a search for a record in a Database, in compliance with the specified Conditions.


  • Table <unquoted string> - Table to perform the search on.

  • Column <unquoted string> - Column where to verify the condition.

  • Operator <unquoted string> - Operator to apply when verifying the condition. The Possible values for this parameter are:

    • < – Less than.

    • > - Higher than.

    • <= - Less than or equal to.

    • >= - Higher than or equal to.

    • = - Equal to

    • <> - Different from.

    • LIKE - Like to. Use this operator to perform generic searches using character "%".

    • NOT LIKE - Not like to. Use this operator to perform generic searches using character "%".

  • Value <string> or <numeric> - Value to compare the Column to. The type of this parameter depends on the database type of the Column.


Consider the following database table "Products":

  • Example 1

Lookup(Products, Stock, >, 100) Result = TRUE

  • Example 2

Lookup(Products, Stock, >, 300) Result = FALSE

  • Example 3

Lookup(Products, Stock, >, 100, Stock, < 300) Result = TRUE

  • Example 4

Lookup(Products, Name, LIKE, "%Cola") Result = TRUE

  • Example 5

Lookup(Products, Name, LIKE, "Cola%") Result = FALSE

  • Example 6

Lookup(Products, Name, LIKE, "%Cola", Stock, >, 100) Result = TRUE

When you specify more than one condition, the operator used between the conditions is "AND". Therefore, something like "select (...) from (...) where (...) AND (...)" will be executed.

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