
Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Database - Update

Updates one or more records in the specified Database Table.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Table - Database Table to update the record(s).

  • Values <string> or <numeric> - Value to assign to the specified Column. This expression will be evaluated accordingly with the Type column.

  • Ignore Database Masks - If you've defined an Output Mask for the specified Column in the Table properties and:

    • This option is checked - You must specify the value in the Kalipso format.

    • This option is unchecked - You must specify the value in the Mask format.

  • Duplicate Quotes - Check this option to automatically duplicate the quote (') character on the Values specified, to correctly insert the record in the database. For further information take a look at the examples below.

  • Where <Kalipso Filter> or <string> - Condition to specify which records should be updated. Check Expressions chapter for more information about Kalipso Filter and String expressions. If this parameter is empty, an error may occur, if you have selected Prevent the execution of Update/Delete Statemens without Where clause in "Online" or "Offline", defined in the Project Properties. To bypass this safety feature without unchecking the options check Example 5.


This function generates an Update operation that exists in every SQL database, and is used to update the database according to some condition.

Consider the following Database Table:

Example 1


It originates a syntax error because parameter Duplicate Quotes is unchecked.

Example 2


Example 3


Example 4


Example 5


When you specify more than one condition in Where parameter, the operator used between the conditions is "AND" or "OR".

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