Decrypt Symmetric

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Code - Decrypt Symmetric

Decrypt Symmetric allows to decrypt data with a unique Key. This Key is the same for Encrypt and Decrypt.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Data Type<numeric> - Select a File or Text to be Decrypted:

    • 1 - File

    • 2 - Text UTF-16 LE

    • 3 - Text ANSI/Binary

    • 4 - Text UTF-8

  • Source File<String> - Select a File/Text/Variable or control to be Decrypted.

  • Source Encoding<numeric>

    • 1 - None (Binary)

    • 2 - Base 64

  • Target File<> - Select a Variable or Control.

  • Algorithm<numeric> - Select the algorithm to be used:

    • 1 - AES CBC PKCS5 Padding

    • 2 - AES EBC PKCS5 Padding

  • Key Type<numeric>

    • 1 - 128 bit key

    • 2 - 256 bit key

    • 3 - Generate SHA256 from key

    • 4 - Generate HMAC SHA256 from key

  • Key<string> Fill with a String, Control or Variable. It is expected the binary key value, without any encoding like Base64 or other.

  • Salt<string> - In cryptography, salt is random data that is used as an additional entry for a unidirectional function that "breaks" data, a password or passphrase. Salts are used to protect passwords in storage. To use fill with a String, Control or Variable. It is expected the binary key value, without any encoding like Base64 or other.

  • Nbr. of Rounds<numeric> - Fill with a Numeric value, Control or Variable.

  • IV Type<> Select a Initialization vector (IV):

    • Provided (In this case you have to provide the initialization vector in the IV parameter).

    • Data Starts With IV (In this case, the encrypted string should start with the initialization vector).

  • IV<numeric> - Select a Variable or a Control.

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