Tab - Advanced

Kalipso - Using - Styles - Edit - Tab - Advanced

The advanced tab allows you to configure the style in a more detailed way by objects (such as controls). It is an option that complements the use of each object's configuration windows. In other words, for example, in the Label control (like the others) there is an option in the upper right corner that indicates the style. You can choose the base or choose the style that is defined here in this area and associate it to the Label control.

If you save the style in that area then it will appear listed on this tab.

Thus, the tab allows the following options:

Control Styles

Create new styles or edit existent ones for your app objects.

In this area you access various controls where you can set the style individually for each one. When selecting the control, the properties of the control that can be changed will appear in the right part of this area.

You can also import styles from other temples. To do so just click on the icon import. Then the following window appears:

To select just open the list and all available styles can be imported (just one at a time).

The objects and controls available to change the style are:

  • Form

  • Labels

  • Inputs

  • Shapes

  • Images

  • Combos

  • Buttons

  • Checks

  • Radios

  • Draws

  • Lists

  • Tables

  • Charts

  • Loopers


  • Scroll

  • Tabs

  • Media

To change click on the style in question and then to deselect it, just click again on the style.

Base Properties

Dynamic area that displays the properties of the object or control on which you want to change the style. As selected the editable fields also change.

Also there is a button that allows you to view the resources of your project.

Last updated