JSON Import to Table

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Code - JSON Import to Table

Imports from text or a JSON file to a Database Table.

Action available for the following operating systems:



  • Source type - Defines the type of the source. It can be one of:

    • 1. File

    • 2. Text

  • Source - The name of source.

Source JSON or Source File depending on parameter Source Type. If it is a Source File user must define the complete path to the file, otherwise user must defines the control or variable that stores the JSON File.

  • Abort on Error - This parameter defines if the user wants to abort in case of error or not. It can be one of:

    • 1. Yes

    • 2. No

  • Target Table - The name of the Database Table where that action takes effect.

  • Replace Duplicates - This parameter defines if the user wants to replace the duplicate values or not. It can be one of:

    • 1. Yes

    • 2. No

  • Trim Strings - This parameter defines if the user wants to trim the strings or not. It can be one of:

    • 1. Yes

    • 2. No

For more information of this trim action please see here (String Functions)

  • Decimal Separator <string> - Defines the separator to use on the importation of numeric values.

  • Parent List <string> - The name of the parent Item of the JSON file.

Column List

  • Array/Item Name <string> - The name of the JSON Item that user wants to import in the Database Table.

  • Item <string> - The JSON Item to save in Database Table.

  • Type - The type of the JSON Item to save in Database Table.

  • Value - The value to save in Database Table.

Default Values

  • Column - Name of the column that user wants to save a default value.

  • Type - Type of the default value saved.

  • Source Type - Type of the source to save, by default, in Database Table.

  • Source - Value to save, by default, in Database Table.

The actions File Open and File Close don't need to be used.

Last updated