Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group RFID - Zebra RFID GPIO

This action is use to manage the General Purpose Input/Output ports.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Operation Type - Set GPI State - Allow to enable or disable a general purpose input port (GPI).

    • Port Number <numeric> - The input port number to set the state.

    • Enabled <string> - If the speciifyed input port is to be enabled or disabled.

  • Operation Type - Get GPI State - Allow to determine if a general purpose input port (GPI) is enabled or disabled and its current state (low/high).

    • Port Number <numeric> - The input port number to set the state.

    • Target Enabled <numeric> - Will get 1 if this port is currently enabled and 0 if it is disabled.

    • Target State<numeric> - Will get 1 if this port is currenytly high (true) and 0 if it is low (false).

  • Operation Type - Get GPI Event Info - This should be used inside the event "RFID GPI State" and is triggered when an enabled GPI port state changes from low to high or vice-versa.

    • Target Port Number <numeric> - The input port number that triggered this event due to a state change.

    • Target State <numeric> - The new state of the GPI port.

  • Operation Type - Set GPO State - This allows to change the sate of a general purpose output port (GPO) to high (true) or low (false).

    • Port Number <numeric> - The input port number to set the state.

    • State <numeric> - The new state for the output port o-Low(false) or 1-High(true).

  • Operation Type - Get GPO State - This allows to get the current sate of a general purpose output port (GPO).

    • Port Number <numeric> - The output port number to get the state.

    • State <numeric> - This will get the current state of the output port to 0 if low(false) or 1 if high(true).

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