Nordic ID NUR Kill Tag
Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group RFID - Nordic ID NUR Kill Tag
Kills the tag os Nordic ID NUR.
Action available for the following operating systems:
Kill Password <string> - The kill password for the operation.
Apply Filter <string> - Specifies if a filter is to be applyed.
Memory Bank <string> - Selectes the memory bank for the filter. Specifying "-1 - EPC ID Content" indicates that the filter should be done on the EPCID inside the EPC memory bank. It is equivalent to making the filter on the EPC memory bank with "Bit Position" parameter = 32.
Mask Value <string> - Hexadecimal mask value to be used for the filter.
Bit Position <string> - Starting bit position for the filter.
Bit Lenght <string> - Number of bits to use from the "Mask Value".
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