NFC Connect
Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group RFID - NFC Connect
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Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group RFID - NFC Connect
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Connects to the internal NFC Antenna of your mobile.
Action available for the following operating systems:
Target of Message string - The control or variable that will have the NDEF message when an NDEF message is received.
iOS Scan Message string - On iOS when NFC is activated a system popup shows with the message specified in this parameter.
You can define here where the NDEF Message can be stored on a reading operation. It should be the first action to perform while using NFC.
When the device gets close to an NFC tag or another NFC device that is publishing an NDEF message, your device will receive that message and will be saved in the specified Target of Message, also, the event NFC Message Received will be triggered.
On iOS, it is not possible to simultaneously handle NDEF and HF tags, so, if Target of Message is filled in, Kalipso will use NFC reader in NFC NDEF mode, if it is empty, it will use the NFC reader in plain HF mode.
On iOS, the operating system does not allows us to control the user interface, it will always show a popup with the message specified. This means the application logic may not be compatible with Andoid/Win10. When NFCConnect is called, this popup will show up, and Kalipso events will be triggered normally, but you will be unable to show MessageBoxes or other forms until you call NFCDisconnect. So for example if you need to read an HF tag you would have to call NFCConnect and on the NFC Card Detected event you would have to call NFCReadTag, and then NFCDisconnect to close the system popup dialog so you can show the user the result of the Read Operation.