
Kalipso - Developing - Report - Controls - Image

An Image is used to display image files.


Through the window that opens the option presents two tabs: general and content.

Tab - General

The available options are:


  • Name - Name of the Control. This Name will be used to identify the Control throughout the Project. The name of the Control can only contain letters, digits or underscore (_).

  • Description - Description of the Control. This Description is for your information only, Kalipso does nothing with it.


  • X - X position of the Control

  • Y - Y position of the Control.

  • Width - Width of the Control.

  • Height - Height of the Control.


  • Condition - Condition to be verified before displaying the control.

When clicked, a list of conditions already created is accessed. However, you can add more by clicking on the icon on the right. Then a new window appears:

In the table are the conditions already created and on the right side new conditions can be added or edited.


  • Size Mode - Indicates if the width and height settings should be respected (Fixed) or if they should be ignore and use the image original dimensions (Original Size).

  • Keep Proportion - When resizing the image to the specified width and height, if this option is set, then the image will not be distorted and a proportional resize will be done so the image fits the specified dimensions.

  • Abort print if image not found - Aborts the printing process when the image is not found.

Tab - Content

After the initial settings in the general tab, you must access the content tab to indicate the data source for the image. Thus:

The Image Control can have the content from a well defined file name and location or an expression can be used to specify the file to be used.

When using a File (as shown in the illustrative image above):

  • File - The file's path.

  • Folder on PDA - Leave empty to use Layout's folder of fill with the path if the image is in a different location.

When using an expression:

  • Expression - The image file will be obtained from an expression.

This allows to use keywords like PFOLDER, DFOLDER and expressions available when using a string expression.

Last updated