
Kalipso - Form - Expressions - Functions - Functions Descriptions - Numeric Functions - Extractstringd

This Function returns a numeric value, extracted from the specified Source string, according to a Rank and a Separator.

Function available for the following operating systems:


  • Source string <string> - String from where to extract the substring.

  • Rank <numeric> - Order of the substring to extract (0 based).

  • Separator <string> - String used as a separator in the Source string, to divide it.


  • Example 1

ExtractStringd("001;Kalipso Studio;5000;Software", 2, ";") Result = 5000.0

  • Example 2

ExtractStringd("001;Kalipso Studio;5000;Software", 0, ":") Result = 1.0

  • Example 3

ExtractStringd("001;Kalipso Studio;5000;Software", 2, ":") Result = 0.0

If the Rank is higher than the number of parts, the result will be 0.0.

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