Socket Write

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Communications - Socket Write

Writes data to a specified socket.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Socket <unquoted string> - The identification of the socket that user wants to write data. There are several handlers for sockets from 1 to 10. It's also possible defined a socket dynamically by choosing option dynamic for this parameter.

  • Coded <unquoted string> - This parameter defines if the data to write in the socket is coded or not. The possible options for this parameter are: Yes, No or dynamic.

  • IP/Name <string> - The IP address of the socket that the user wants to write data.

  • Port <numeric> - The port for the defined socket.

  • End of line <unquoted string> - The characters that the user wants to represent the end of line (Example: ).

  • Text to write <string> - The text that the user wants to write in the socket.

Is necessary define parameters IP/Name and Port if the user wants to write in UDP sockets.

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