Draw Rectangle

Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Controls - Draw Rectangle

Draw a rectangle on a draw control.

Action available for the following operating systems:


  • Control <unquoted string> - The name of the specified draw control.

  • X <numeric> - The X coordinate where the draw of rectangle begins.

  • Y <numeric> - The Y coordinate where the draw of rectangle begins.

  • Width <numeric> - The width of draw rectangle.

  • Height <numeric> - The height of draw rectangle.

  • Line <radiobox> - Defines the color of the draw rectangle line. There are two possible options: Fixed Color or Dynamic.

    • Fixed Color - Defines a fixed color from the pallet of colors pre-defined.

    • Dynamic Color <string> - User can define a value of a color in RGB. The values for this parameter vary from "000000000" to "255255255".

  • Thickness <numeric> - The thickness of the draw rectangle.

  • Filled Rectangle <unquoted string> - This parameter allows user to define if wants to fill with color the draw rectangle. This parameter have three options: Yes, No or dynamic.

  • Fixed Color - Defines a fixed color from the pallet of colors pre-defined.

  • Dynamic <string> - User can define a value of a color in RGB. The values for this parameter vary from "000000000" to "255255255".

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