Add Contact
Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Email - Add Contact
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Kalipso - Form - Actions - Actions Description - Group Email - Add Contact
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Adds a contact to Pocket Outlook.
Action available for the following operating systems:
Contact's OID <string> - The Outlook ID of the contact that the user wants to add.
Property <string> - The property that the user wants to set. Please see in the notes section the possible values for this parameter.
Target <unquoted string> - The control or variable that loads the contact's property that the user wants to set.
The possible values to parameter Property for the Outlook contacts are:
"Birthday" - The birth day for the contact.
"Anniversary" - The weeding anniversary date for the contact.
"BusinessFaxNumber" - The business fax number for the contact.
"CompanyName" - The company name for the contact.
"Department" - The department name for the contact.
"Email1Adress" - The first email address for the contact.
"MobileTelephoneNumber" - The mobile or cellular telephone number for the contact.
"OfficeLocation" - The office location for the contact.
"PagerNumber" - The pager number for the contact.
"BusinessTelephoneNumber" - The business telephone number for the contact.
"JobTitle" - The job title for the contact.
"HomeTelephoneNumber" - The home telephone number for the contact.
"Email2Address" - The second email address for the contact.
"Spouse" - The name of Contact's spouse/partner.
"Email3Address" - The third email address for the contact.
"Home2TelephoneNumber" - The second telephone number for the contact.
"HomeFaxNumber" - The home fax number for the contact.
"CarTelephoneNumber" - The car phone number for the contact.
"AssistantName" - The name of the Contact's Assistant.
"AssistantTelephoneNumber" - The phone number for the Contact's Assistant.
"Children" - The names of the contact's children.
"Categories" - The categories for the contact.
"WebPage" - The web page for the contact.
"Business2TelephoneNumber" - The second telephone number for the contact.
"Title" - The job title for the contact.
"FirstName" - The first name for the contact.
"MiddleName" - The middle name for the contact.
"LastName" - The last name for the contact.
"Suffix" - The suffix for the contact's name.
"HomeAddressStreet" - The home street address for the contact.
"HomeAddressCity" - The home city for the contact.
"HomeAddressState" - The home state, department or province for the contact.
"HomeAddressPostalCode" - The home ZIP or Postal Code for the contact.
"HomeAddressCountry" - The home country/region for the contact.
"OtherAddressStreet" - The alternative street address for the contact.
"OtherAddressCity" - The alternative city address for the contact.
"OtherAddressState" - The alternative state, department or province for the contact.
"OtherAddressPostalCode" - The alternative ZIP or Postal Code for the contact.
"OtherAddressCountry" - The alternative country/region for the contact.
"BusinessAddressStreet" - The business street address for the contact.
"BusinessAddressCity" - The business city address for the contact.
"BusinessAddressState" - The business state, department or province for the contact.
"BusinessAddressPostalCode" - The business ZIP or Postal Code for the contact.
"BusinessAddressCountry" - The business country/region for the contact.
"RadioTelephoneNumber" - The radio telephone number for the contact.
"FileAs" - The filling string for the contact.
"Body" - The notes for the contact.
"YomiCompanyName" - The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the company name for the contact.
"YomiFirstName" - The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the first name for the contact.
"YomiLastName" - The Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the last name for the contact.